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By: Q. Torn, M.B.A., M.D.

Clinical Director, Palm Beach Medical College

THE INTERVIEW SCHEDULE For most types of interview you need to construct an in- terview schedule skin care korea terbaik cheap eurax express. For structured interviews you will need to construct a list of questions which is asked in the same order and format to each participant (see Chapter 9) acne gel 03 best buy for eurax. For 68 / PRACTICAL RESEARCH METHODS semi-structured interviews the schedule may be in the form of a list of questions or a list of topics acne quizlet discount 20gm eurax. If you’re new to research, you might prefer a list of questions that you can ask in a standard way, thus ensuring that you do not ask leading questions or struggle for something to ask. However, a list of topics tends to offer more flexibil- ity, especially in unstructured interviews where the inter- viewee is left to discuss issues she deems to be important. By ticking off each topic from your list as it is discussed, you can ensure that all topics have been covered. Often interviewees will raise issues without being asked and a list of topics ensures that they do not have to repeat them- selves. Also, it allows the interviewee to raise pertinent is- sues which you may not have thought about. If you’re nervous about working with a list of topics rather than a list of questions, a good way to overcome this is to ask a few set questions first and then, once you and the interviewee have both relaxed, move on to a set of topics. With practice, you will feel comfortable interviewing and will choose the method which suits you best. If you take time to produce a detailed interview schedule, it helps you to focus your mind on your research topic, enabling you to think about all the areas which need to be covered. It should also alert you to any sensitive or con- troversial issues which could arise. When developing an interview schedule for any type of interview, begin with easy to answer, general questions which will help the in- terviewee feel at ease. HOW TO CONDUCT INTERVIEWS / 69 HOW TO DEVELOP AN INTERVIEW SCHEDULE X Brainstorm your research topic – write down every area you can think of without analysis or judgement. X Work through your list carefully, discarding irrele- vant topics and grouping similar suggestions. X Order these general topics into a logical sequence, leaving sensitive or controversial issues until the end – ask about experience and behaviour before asking about opinion and feelings. X Think of questions you will want to ask relating to each of these areas. If you’re new to research you might find it useful to include these questions on your schedule. However, you do not have to adhere rigidly to these during your interview. X When developing questions, make sure they are open rather than closed. X Become familiar with your schedule so that you do not have to keep referring to it during the interview. Don’t rush straight into the interview unless the interviewee pushes to do so. Accept a cup of tea, if offered, and make polite conversation to help put both of you at ease. X Think about your appearance and the expectations of the person you’re about to interview. If the interviewee is a smartly turned out business person who expects to be interviewed by a professional looking researcher, make sure you try to fulfil those expectations with your appearance and behaviour.

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The most common identified causes of PME will be discussed in the next section acne 8 dpo discount eurax american express. UNVERRICHT–LUNDORG DISEASE Unverricht–Lundborg disease acne medication prescription generic 20 gm eurax visa, also known as Baltic myoclonus or Mediterranean myoclonus skin care 30s purchase online eurax, is an autosomal recessive disorder which is prevalent in Finland (1 in 97 98 Conry Table 1 Classification of Myoclonic Epilepsies Early myoclonic epilepsy Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infants Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infants Myoclonic astatic epilepsy Epilepsy with myoclonic absences Eyelid myoclonia with absence Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy Progressive myoclonic epilepsy Myoclonic seizures not otherwise classified 20,000). The onset of symptoms is in late childhood (8–13 years), with myoclonic jerks, which are often stimulus sensitive, as the presenting symptom. The seizures evolve to severe myoclonic seizures and tonic–clonic seizures. The degenerative cer- ebellar symptoms (ataxia, dysarthria, and tremor) and cognitive decline are mild and present much later than the seizures. Histological markers, when present, are membrane-bound vacuoles with clear contents in eccrine glands. The defect is a mutation in the cystatin B gene, which is found on chromosome 21. MITOCHONDRIAL EPILEPSY WITH RAGGED RED FIBERS (MERRF) Mitochondrial epilepsy with ragged red fibers (MERRF) is a mitochondrial disease which may present either in childhood or adulthood. MERRF either is sporadic or is transmitted via mitochondrial (maternal) inheritance. The initial symptoms are medically refractory myoclonic seizures and tonic–clonic seizures. Progressive ataxia and dementia are variable but may occur relatively early in the disease. The presence of myopathy, sensorineural hearing loss or optic atrophy should raise the index of suspicion. The defect is a defect in mitochondrial DNA resulting in an abnormal transfer RNA Lys gene. Diagnosis is made by demonstration of ragged red fibers on muscle biopsy. Unfortunately, the muscle his- tology may be normal especially early in the disease. Repeat biopsy later in the illness may reveal ragged red fibers as more mitochondria become severely involved. LAFORA BODY DISEASE Lafora body disease is an autosomal recessive disorder which usually presents between 10 and 18 years of age. Tonic–clonic seizures in a ncurologically normal child are the initial symptoms, with myoclonic seizures which initially may respond to medications. The clinical course is rapidly progressive, with the development of severe seizures, stimulus sensitive myoclonus, disabling ataxia, and severe dementia. Polyglucosan bodies (Lafora bodies) can be seen in many tissues, especially the excretory ducts of eccrine sweat glands. The genetic defect is the EPM2A gene on chromosome 6q23-25 which codes for a protein tyrosine phosphatase (laforin). Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy 99 Lafora body disease is clinically different from Unverricht–Lundborg disease because of the rapidly progressive neurological decline in Lafora body disease. The genetic defect has been identified in both and they are clearly different diseases. NEURONAL CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS (NCL) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL) is an autosomal recessive disorder with onset at multiple ages and with varied initial symptoms. Depending on the age of onset, NCL is known as Santavuori–Haltia disease (infantile onset, 0–2 years), Jansky– Bielschowsky disease (late infantile onset, 2–4 years), Batten’s disease or Spielmeyer–Vogt–Sjogren disease (juvenile onset, 4–10 years) or Kuf’s disease (adulthood).

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As the stories of Erna Dodd and Mattie Harris suggest acne extraction cheap eurax 20gm on-line, one condition deserves special mention—obesity acne scar removal discount eurax 20 gm online. About 55 percent of adults living in the Who Has Mobility Difficulties / 21 United States are overweight and 22 percent of them are obese (Atkinson 2000 acne bp5 discount 20 gm eurax visa, 3237). Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable deaths in our country and it severely limits daily lives. Being overweight is associ- ated with several common causes of walking problems, most notably arthritis, back pain, and diabetes. People with mobility problems are more likely than others to be grossly overweight—around 30 percent of people with mobil- ity problems are obese compared to 15 percent of others. Despite spending $33 billion annually on diet programs, exercise regimens, and low-calorie meals and dietary supplements, Americans remain over- weight, and rates of obesity are increasing (Freudenheim 1999, A11). Sec- ond, especially once it results in painful joints and fatigue during exertion, obesity initiates a vicious cycle, slowing or halting the very exercise that would help weight loss. Finally, obesity carries stigma in our youth- oriented society, owing, at least in part, to the issue of control. Many be- lieve that having a slender body merely requires self-control, cutting caloric consumption, but recent findings relating to fat metabolism in other mammals, and thus presumably humans, suggest that the issue is much more complicated. Nevertheless, overweight people who have trouble walking feel keenly the stigma attached to obesity. Marianne Bickford, in her early fifties, has had trouble with her weight for a long time. In high school, she had dreamed of being a nurse: “I passed the test, but the nurse who interviewed me said I had to lose 50 pounds, and she was heavier than me! Now, years later, she is overweight, but she also has a painful back and knees. Greenberg, told me that he does not understand why she uses the wheelchair. Greenberg speculates that her obesity is a major factor and said she gets upset every time he brings it up. She feels as if she is working on it:“Every time he talks about walking, me being confined to a wheelchair, it’s always about my weight. Maybe it would make a dif- ference, but I don’t feel it’s going to make a big difference. If you have knees that are degenerate, what is losing weight going to do? They’re not going to get any better unless they’re operated on, and the bone’s taken off the bone, and the knees are built up again. The medical profession, they push you to walk, and they make all the suggestions. It would help for her to lose weight, but weight loss is difficult and won’t nec- essarily fix her painful back and knees. Their legs automatically and painlessly obey the myriad impulses zipping to and from their brains, moving them effortlessly at will. These complex commands and compliant responses do not penetrate consciousness until something goes wrong. Reynolds Price, the novelist and radio commentator, described warning signals sent by his still-hidden spinal tumor as he rushed one afternoon, late for an appointment: “I should hurry along. The physical sensations and biomechanical forces that accompany or impair mobility vary by the underlying cause.

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