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Considering that both approaches are approximate treatment goals and objectives order discount topiramate, the agreement is certainly acceptable treatment 5 of chemo was tuff but made it buy 100 mg topiramate otc. In calculating the energy requirements of walking and running treatment zinc overdose discount 100 mg topiramate mastercard, we assumed that the kinetic energy imparted to the leg is fully (frictionally) dis- sipated as the motion of the limb is halted within each step cycle. In fact, a significant part of the kinetic energy imparted to the limbs during each step cycle is stored as potential energy and is converted to kinetic energy during the following part of the gait cycle, as in the motion of an oscillating pendulum 56 Chapter 4 Angular Motion or a vibrating spring. The assumption of full energy dissipation at each step results in an overestimate of the energy requirements for walking and run- ning. This energy overestimate is balanced by the underestimate due to the neglecting of movement of the center of mass up and down during walking and running as is discussed in following Sections 4. More detailed and accurate descriptions can be found in various technical journals. However, the basic approach in the various methods of anal- ysis is similar in that the highly complex interactive musculoskeletal system involved in walking and/or running is represented by a simplified structure that is amenable to mathematical analysis. In our treatment of walking and running we considered only the pendulum- like motion of the legs. A way to model the center of mass motion in walking is to consider the motion of the center of mass during the course of a step. Consider the start of the step when both feet are on the ground with one foot ahead of the other. At this point the center of mass is between the two feet and is at its lowest position (see Fig. The center of mass is at its highest point when the swinging foot is in line with the stationary foot. As the swinging foot passes the stationary foot, it becomes the forward foot and the step is completed with the two feet once again on the ground with the right foot now in the rear. In the sequence of the step described in the figure, the center of mass is alternately behind and then in front of the point of the single-foot contact with the ground as the free leg swings forward. That is, when the rear left foot starts swinging forward, it is of course off the ground, and the center of mass is behind the supporting right foot. During this part of the step the center of mass is swinging toward the stationary right foot and its kinetic energy is converted to potential energy (as in the upward swing of a pendulum; the supporting foot being the fulcrum). After the left foot passes the stationary right foot, the center of mass shifts forward of the right foot and accelerates as the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy (downward swing of the pendulum). With a step-length of 90 cm and the center of mass (with feet together) 1 m above the ground, the center of mass is raised 11 cm during each swinging Section 4. This is an upper limit because in this simplified treatment it is assumed that the legs remain straight throughout the step. Because the body in the process of walking is not a perfect pendulum, only part of this potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy. To reduce the energy expenditure, the body seeks adjustments to minimize the up-and-down movement of the center of mass (see Section 4. During walking, at one point in the step cycle, both feet are in contact with the ground. During a walking step the center of mass trajectory is similar to that of an inverted swinging pendulum with the fulcrum at the point where the two feet pass one another (Fig. Running can be compared to a person on a pogo stick as if bouncing from one leg to another. As shown in the figure, the energy consumed per distance traveled increases at both lower and higher walking speeds. Past this speed most people will spontaneously break into a run consuming less energy. Considering the approximate nature of the calculations and the difference in the methods, the agreement between the two numbers is again remarkably good.

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Counterbalancing this is the oncotic pressure of the plasma treatment ulcer order discount topiramate on-line, which draws in fluid from the interstitium by osmosis due to the higher protein concentration of the plasma treatment 1860 neurological purchase topiramate with visa. The hydrostatic pressure (P) driving fluid out of the capillary is the difference between capillary hydrostatic pressure (Pc) and interstitial hydrostatic pressure (Pi): P = Pc - Pi C symptoms jaw pain and headache cheap 100 mg topiramate with mastercard. The oncotic pressure () drawing fluid back into the capillary is the difference between capillary oncotic pressure (c) and interstitial oncotic pressure (i) [Note that fluid moves toward the higher oncotic pressure]:  = c - i Thus, the overall driving force out of the capillary (P) is: P = P -  = (Pc-Pi) - (c - I) D. As shown in the figure below, the main parameter that changes in this equation is the capillary hydrostatic pressure (Pc), the other parameters (Pi, c ,I) remain relatively constant. The overall effect is that at the arterial end Pc is high, making P positive, and filtration occurs (i. However, Pc decreases as one goes from the arterial to the venous end of the capillary so that P becomes negative at the venous end and reabsorption occurs. On average, 85% of the filtered plasma is reabsorbed, with the remaining 15% taken up by the lymphatics. An important clinical situation arises when venous pressure becomes sufficiently high such that P is positive for most of the length of the capillary. Then filtration significantly exceeds reabsorption and fluid accumulates in the interstitium, which is termed edema. In left heart failure, for example, pulmonary venous pressure rises and often results in pulmonary edema. Smooth muscle is named for its lack of sarcomeres, in contrast to striated muscles (skeletal or cardiac muscle). It is found in almost all of the hollow organs of the body, including blood vessels and gastrointestinal, urinary and reproductive tracts. It has been argued that "smooth muscle is far more important to health care professionals than striated muscle" (R. There is some truth to this, since inappropriate (pathological) behavior of smooth muscle is involved in many illnesses, for example hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, asthma, gastrointestinal disorders. Nevertheless, smooth muscle often receives less attention than its counterparts, in part because less is known about how it works. Skeletal muscles are highly specialized in their structure and function for rapid activation and rapid shortening. Smooth muscles are much less developed in this particular way -- quite the contrary, they seem to have evolved in a different way, to generate large amounts of force, often under steady conditions, with relatively little expenditure of metabolic energy. Smooth muscle performs this kind of function by means of its own specialized mechanisms and does its job very well. This functional organization is found in the eye (ciliary, iris muscle) and in association with skin hairs (pilomotor). As in heart, unitary smooth muscle is capable of spontaneous activity, and hormones and neurotransmitters play a modulatory rather than a commanding role. Unitary smooth muscle is composed of discrete cells, usually thin (often as little as 2-5 mm in diameter) and spindle- shaped (ranging from 20 µm up to 100 µm in length). Adjacent cells are often connected electrically by gap junctions like those in the heart. The gap junctions allow the movements of ions and small molecules and mediate the flow of ionic current and the spread of action potentials from one cell to the next. Cells are also mechanically connected to each other at specialized junctions analogous to desmosomes in heart muscle (see Fig. Vascular smooth muscle is sometimes classified as unitary, but often the properties are somewhat intermediate between the multi-unit and unitary extremes. Some regions are heavily innervated and come under strong control of the sympathetic nervous system (arterioles, as opposed to capillaries in the microcirculation -- see Fig.

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