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See also Metabolism The first of the tetracyclines was discovered in 1948 by the American botanist Benjamin Minge Duggar erectile dysfunction kidney stones purchase 80 mg super cialis overnight delivery. Working with Streptomyces aureofaciens at the Lederle division of the CHEMOSTAT AND TURBIDOSTAT • see American Cyanamid Co erectile dysfunction caused by ssri proven super cialis 80 mg. LABORATORY TECHNIQUES IN MICROBIOLOGY The first effective chemotherapeutic agent against viruses was acyclovir erectile dysfunction support groups cheap super cialis 80mg on line, produced in the early 1950s by the American biochemists George Hitchings and Gertrude Belle CHEMOTAXIS • see BACTERIAL MOVEMENT Elion for the treatment of herpes. Today’s antiviral drugs are being used to inhibit the reproductive cycle of both DNA and RNA viruses. For example, two drugs are used against the CChemotherapyHEMOTHERAPY influenza A virus, Amantadine and Rimantadine, and the AIDS treatment drug AZT inhibits the reproduction of the human Chemotherapy is the treatment of a disease or condition with immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The first modern therapeutic cal compounds for use as cancer treatments as early as the chemical was derived from a synthetic dye. But the first effective treatments were drugs developed in the 1930s, penicillin and other antibiotics the sex hormones, first used in 1945, estrogens for prostate of the 1940s, hormones in the 1950s, and more recent drugs cancer and both estrogens and androgens to treat breast cancer. It was an alky- The first drug to treat widespread bacteria was devel- lating compound, derived from the chemical warfare agent oped in the mid-1930s by the German physician-chemist nitrogen mustard, which binds with chemical groups in the Gerhard Domagk. In 1932, he discovered that a dye named cell’s DNA, keeping it from reproducing. Alkylating com- prontosil killed streptococcus bacteria, and it was quickly used pounds are still important in cancer treatment. One of In the next twenty years, scientists developed a series of the first patients cured with it was Domagk’s own daughter. In useful antineoplastic (anti-cancer) drugs, and, in 1954, the 1936, the Swiss biochemist Daniele Bovet, working at the forerunner of the National Cancer Institute was established in Pasteur Institute in Paris, showed that only a part of prontosil Bethesda, MD. Leading the research efforts were the so-called was active, a sulfonamide radical long known to chemists. The first widely used anti-sense drugs, which affect specific genes within cells. They are also used after cervix, nose and throat, kidney, lung, and prostate cancers. Since many of the drugs have severe side effects, their ger the body’s immune system to produce more cells that will value must always be weighed against the serious short-and react to and kill cancer cells. One approach involves isolating long-term effects, particularly in children, whose bodies are white blood cells that will kill cancer and then to find certain still growing and developing. A “vac- gen, estrogen, and progestins, scientists also use the hormone cine gene gun” has also been developed to inject DNA directly somatostatin, which inhibits production of growth hormone into the tumor cell. Unlike most vaccines, which have been primarily tai- action of the body’s own hormones. An example is Tamoxifen, lored for specific patients and cancers, the RNA cancer vac- used against breast cancer. Normally the body’s own estrogen cine is designed to treat a broad number of cancers in many causes growth of breast tissues, including the cancer. As research into cancer treatment continues, new can- Forms of the B-vitamin folic acid were found to be use- cer-fighting drugs will continue to become part of the medical ful in disrupting cancer cell metabolism by the American sci- armamentarium. Many of these drugs will come from the bur- entist Sidney Farber (1903–1973) in 1948.

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Brain 1986; 109: 1169-1178 Cross References Ataxia; Flaccidity; Hemiballismus; Hypertonia Hypotropia Hypotropia is a variety of heterotropia in which there is manifest downward vertical deviation of the visual axis of one eye erectile dysfunction epidemiology super cialis 80mg fast delivery. Using the cover test erectile dysfunction doctor dallas buy super cialis 80 mg low price, this manifests as upward movement of the uncovered eye erectile dysfunction best pills discount super cialis 80mg mastercard. Depending on the affected eye, this finding is often described as a “left- over-right” or “right-over-left. Improvement of ptosis is said to be specific for myas- thenia gravis: cold improves transmission at the neuromuscular junction (myasthenic patients often improve in cold as opposed to hot weather). A pooled analysis of several studies gave a test sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 100% with correspondingly high positive and negative likelihood ratios. Whether the ice pack test is also applicable to myasthenic diplopia has yet to be determined. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2004; 58: 887-888 Larner AJ, Thomas DJ. Postgraduate Medical Journal 2000; 76: 162-163 Cross References Diplopia; Fatigue; Ptosis Ideational Apraxia - see APRAXIA Ideomotor Apraxia (IMA) - see APRAXIA Illusion An illusion is a misinterpretation of a perception (cf. Illusions occur in normal people when they are tired, inat- tentive, in conditions of poor illumination, or if there is sensory impairment. They also occur in disease states, such as delirium, and psychiatric disorders (affective disorders, schizophrenia). Examples of phenomena which may be labeled illusory include: Visual: metamorphopsia, palinopsia, polyopia, telopsia, Pulfrich phenomenon, visual alloesthesia Auditory: palinacusis Vestibular: vertigo References Tekin S, Cummings JL. Oxford: OUP, 2003: 479-494 - 168 - Impersistence I Cross References Delirium; Delusion; Hallucination Imitation Behavior Imitation behavior is the reproduction by the patient of gestures (echopraxia) and/or utterances (echolalia) made by the examiner in front of the patient; these “echophenomena” are made by the patient without preliminary instructions to do so. They are consistent and have a compulsive quality to them, perhaps triggered by the equivo- cal nature of the situation. There may be accompanying primitive reflexes, particularly the grasp reflex, and sometimes utilization behavior. Imitation behavior occurs with frontal lobe damage; originally mediobasal disease was thought the anatomical correlate, but more recent studies suggest upper medial and lateral frontal cortex. Certainly imitation behavior never occurs with retrorolandic cortical lesions. A distinction has been drawn between “naïve” imitation behavior, which ceases after a direct instruction from the examiner not to imi- tate his/her gestures, which may be seen in some normal individuals; and “obstinate” imitation behavior which continues despite an instruction to stop; the latter is said to be exclusive to frontotemporal dementia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1996; 61: 396-400 Lhermitte F, Pillon B, Serdaru M. Part I: imitation and utilization behavior: a neuropsychological study of 75 patients. Obstinate imitation behavior in differentiation of frontotemporal dementia from Alzheimer’s disease. Lancet 1998; 352: 623-624 Cross References Echolalia; Echopraxia; Grasp reflex; Utilization behavior Imitation Synkinesis - see MIRROR MOVEMENTS Impersistence Impersistence is an inability to sustain simple motor acts, such as con- jugate gaze, eye closure, protrusion of the tongue, or keeping the mouth open. It is most commonly seen with lesions affecting the right hemisphere, especially central and frontal mesial regions, and may occur in association with left hemiplegia, neglect, anosognosia, hemi- anopia, and sensory loss. These patients may also manifest persevera- tion, echolalia and echopraxia.

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For many years this inating politics in the construction of Veterans grand lady had supported and encouraged Dr. Administration facilities was subsequently con- Magnuson in his career, although she was an firmed by an investigation by a committee of the invalid from crippling rheumatic heart disease. His struggle to obtain the After her death, the doctor buried himself in his best medical care for the veterans of this country work. Having served as co-chairman of the Skeletal He became Professor of Surgery and head of the Systems Committee of the National Research Department of Bone and Joint Surgery at North- Council, he was vitally interested in the problem western. He wrote the textbook, Fractures, which research work on prosthetic devices was insti- brought forth his fundamental concepts of tuted through the Veterans Administration. He developed his well-known work in this field helped to establish standards operations for correction of recurrent dislocation and methods that set the pattern for the prosthet- of the shoulder and debridement of the knee joint, ics industry. Magnuson Chairman Thompson, whom he loved and cherished of the Commission on the Health Needs of the throughout the remainder of his life. In a five-volume report this Commission, From 1941 through 1946, he served as civilian in 1952, outlined many of the potential problems consultant to the Surgeon-General of the US facing American medicine. Magnuson’s plan to place the Veterans Admin- tion for founding the Rehabilitation Institute of istration hospitals in close cooperation with the Chicago. He had long held a dream for a rehabil- medical schools of the country, which led to the itation centre in the mid-west, which would formation of the well-known Deans’ Committees. As founder and first president of the Institute, his dream of a complete rehabilitation centre in the mid-west was realized when North- western University accepted the Institute as a part of the University and took over management of this unique facility. He was pre- sented with three honorary degrees, a DSc from Duke University and the LLD degrees from Baylor University and Western Reserve University. He was honorary member of the British Orthopedic Association; a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, serving as secre- tary of the Board of Regents; a member of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, serving as president in 1949; and a founding member of the American Board of Surgery and the Clinical Orthopedic Society. He also was a Diplomat of the American Board of Orthopedic Joseph François MALGAIGNE Surgery and a member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the American Orthope- 1806–1865 dic Association, the American Surgical Associa- tion, the Southern Surgical Association, the Securité–Simplicité–Celerité Western Surgical Association, the Association of Industrial Surgeons, the International Society of Some surgeons are remembered as great techni- Orthopedics and Traumatology, the International cians, others, as great teachers. Medical folklore Society of Surgery, the Chicago Surgical Society, is full of tales of surgeons remembered because the Chicago Orthopedic Society, the Chicago of, or in spite of, their eccentricities. It is an Medical Society, the Illinois State Medical unusual surgeon, however, whose name lives on Society, the American Medical Association, the because of his literary genius as an author and 3 Institute of Medicine of Chicago, and Sigma Xi. Joseph François Malgaigne was such a He was a member of the Metropolitan Club, man. An experienced surgeon, he was actively Washington, DC, the Century Association, the engaged in the practice of his profession through- Brook of New York and Racquet Clubs. A scholar, he searched out original In his presidential address, “Some Wise Men in sources for their meaning without relying upon American Surgery,” delivered to the 88th annual translators and compilers. A gifted teacher, he was meeting of the American Surgical Association, accustomed to marshalling minutiae into concise April 17–19, 1968, Dr. Magnuson’s contribu- used them efficiently, with the result that the sur- tions to American medicine. Longmire stated: “Let us The Traité des Fractures et des Luxations be ever mindful of the contributions of certain appeared in 1847 as a comprehensive two-volume wise men of American surgery, such as Halsted, work with a sumptuous supplementary atlas of Bevan, Archibald, the Mayos, and Magnuson, for plates. The first, and smaller volume, deals with 2 each has introduced a unique concept to enhance fractures and the second, larger volume, deals the delivery of our professional care. It is the finest and most com- On November 5, 1968, Paul Budd Magnuson, plete work on fractures to be published up to that MD died at George Washington University Hos- time, far exceeding Astley Cooper’s Treatise on 217 Who’s Who in Orthopedics Dislocations and Fractures of the Joints both in investigations and laboratory experiments that scope and execution.

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The substitution of many amino acids within a protein need not significantly change its folding pattern if these are chosen with care with respect to the influence they have on folding (robustness) impotence pumps purchase super cialis online pills. However erectile dysfunction treatment in tampa order 80mg super cialis overnight delivery, the substitution of any one critical amino acid will cause the adoption of a different configuration (fragility) erectile dysfunction hormones cheap 80mg super cialis with mastercard. Alongside such potential generators of robust difference are so-called ‘antichaotic’ factors as proposed by Kauffman. In antichaotic systems, the great complexity of components within the cellular soup are seen to be fully interactive with each other. These systems can be perturbed, but are in a sense self-generating and in a state of balance. Such systems act to maintain this equilibrium but if distorted to excess, will ‘snap’ to an alter- native stable state. It is against this background that we have been investigating the struc- ture and development of spores from the club moss Selaginella. These show complex microscopic architecture within their relatively thick walls (Figure 6. The presence of an apparently colloidal crystal region within the wall, which consists of more or less spherical particles of sporopolle- nin, has been determined. This has focused attention on constructional mechanisms involving processes of colloidal interaction in order to account for the crystalline region and the other structures encountered within the complex walls. It has become apparent that a full understand- ing of this mode of microarchitectural construction lies as much with an appreciation of colloid and surfactant interactions as it does with ‘biologi- cal’ control mechanisms. This is surprising since many of the same types of materials are present in the natural environment, e. Furthermore, the synthetic colloid sci- entist can manipulate the components within a system in ways that are not accessible to nature, i. Genetic input is simply not responsive enough in relation to the speed of reactions. However, Nature is a far better chemist than man – although she has had many more millennia to get it right – and discover- ing the finesse and natural controlling factors would certainly enhance the ability of the relatively crude synthetic chemist. By analogy to the chaotic systems proposed previously, Nature may prepare systems at the boundary of stability and through subtle changes in one parameter, tip the system over the edge resulting in significant architectural changes. The approach taken in our work has been to try to manipulate the behaviour of synthetic organic colloids with a view to reproducing patterns and architecture present in the natural materials; this will inter alia uncover the control- ling factors used by nature. Utilisation of organic components in synthetic biological self-assembly is new and presents complexity of interpretation. However, it is essential if we are to progress beyond qualitative description to quantitative and defined understanding. First though, we must outline albeit very briefly, the basic factors important to colloidal stability and self-assembly. Throughout the section, we highlight possible control mechanisms available to the natural system. The Greeks also believed that only two forces – love and hate – could account for all fundamental phenomena. There are in reality four distinct forces; the strong nuclear interactions that bind nuclei together, weak interactions associated with electron clouds and the two forces the Greeks ‘missed’, electrostatic and gravitational forces.

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